The weather is warming and school is zooming to an end–it’s time for summer book clubs!
We’d love for you to join us for one (or more!) of these over the summer months. Don’t fret if your schedule doesn’t allow you to make all of the meetings; come when you can.
We invite you to take a look at what we are offering by clicking on the titles below; they’ll take you to the Sign-Up Genius pages. There you will find descriptions of the books, all of the details about when and where the groups are meeting, as well as links for purchasing. (You are on your own for securing your own copy.)
Check them out! ????
A War of Loves Led by Lindsay Walton
The Promise Is His Presence by Glenna Marshall Led by Ashley Barton
Till We Have Faces by C.S. Lewis Led by Laurie Beth Dozier, Jennifer Napier, & Libby Napier
Prayer in the Night by Tish Harrison Warren Led by Rebekah Judd
Until Unity by Francis Chan Led by Sarah Mitchell
The Book of Acts Led by Debbie Ruhl