On Sunday we looked at the exciting conclusion to the story in Daniel chapter 3. We saw that Lord is faithful to reveal himself as the God who is able to rescue because he is the God who is with his people through pain, suffering, and persecution.
In reflection then, what is Daniel chapter 3 about? Is this a story about uncompromising faithfulness to God no matter what? Or is this really all about Jesus, who stands with us in the fire? Another alternative is God’s power and glory seen in the salvation of his people. Still another perspective describes Nebuchadnezzar’s journey toward faith. Or, finally, is this a lesson in the failure and folly of idolatry?
Verse 28 and 29 confirm that, yes, this passage contains all these elements. After reading the passage we are left with a profound sense of God’s power, presence, and purpose in the lives of his people. We can entrust ourselves completely to his care, leading, and provision.
Read Daniel 3:19-30
How did God speak to you through this passage?
How does this passage highlight your own struggle to trust God more than idols?
How do you see Jesus through this passage?
At this point in Daniel, if you asked Nebuchadnezzar, “What has your experience of God been like?” how do you think he would answer?
What reassurance do you find that you are not your own, but belong to God?
Pray for each other to trust God entirely.