Discussion Questions for “Daniel: Thriving in Babylon”

January 12, 2021

Discussion Questions for “Daniel: Thriving in Babylon”

January 12, 2021

On Sunday we began our new sermon series through the book of Daniel. This Old Testament narrative gives us a glimpse of life in Babylon during its glory days, around 605 B.C. The story picks up following centuries of disobedience in Israel. King Nebuchadnezzar returned to Jerusalem and destroyed the city. Then he forcibly relocated most of its citizens to Babylon. For God’s people, this was a national and theological disaster, and yet the narrative opens reminding us of God’s sovereignty.

We can learn a lot from Daniel. Right now it is hard to be a Christian in our nation. Daniel shows us that it has always been difficult and confusing to live as believers in a complex and changing world.

Read Daniel 1:1-2

What do you think of when you think of the book of Daniel?

What are you looking forward to in the book of Daniel?

What do you find that’s “relatable” in the story of Daniel?

What is the greatest challenge to your faith right now?

What is one thing that is key to you persevering in faith right now?

Pray for each other to persevere and grow in faith this year.