Discussion Questions for Sunday, November 29th

December 1, 2020

Discussion Questions for Sunday, November 29th

December 1, 2020

We are thankful for the Holy Spirit. As a church, we have a deep desire to welcome the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. The book of Romans should stir a desire in every believer to experience the full work of the Holy Spirit in our lives. On Sunday we reflected on the Spirit’s work in Romans. We saw the Holy Spirit gives us power to fight against sin. He bears witness within us that we are children of God. The Holy Spirit himself prays for us. And it is the Holy Spirit who empowers us with gifts for service. If the Holy Spirit is active in all these ways, let’s actively relate to the Holy Spirit and invite him into our everyday experience. Let’s expect the Spirit to fill every aspect of our lives.

What aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work stood out to you from Romans?

What aspect of the Holy Spirit’s work would you like to experience more of in your life?

When I say, “The Holy Spirit has made his home in you,” what is your response?

Imagine the Holy Spirit praying for you. What do you imagine he is praying for?

Pray for each other, asking the Holy Spirit to lead you and teach you how to pray.