Discussion Questions for the Week of April 19th

April 22, 2020

Discussion Questions for the Week of April 19th

April 22, 2020

On Sunday we looked at the truth of 1 Thessalonians 5:6-11 in the life of Job. Through Job, we saw that it’s easy to confuse our circumstances with our destiny. However we also saw that God’s good intention toward us does not change whether he causes pleasant circumstances or adversity. This is most clear in the death of Jesus Christ. God delighted in his son (see Matthew 4:17), and yet he was pleased to crush him (see Isaiah 53:10).

When we see that all the Father’s will toward Jesus was for his good and our good, we can begin to reframe the adversity and disruptions in our own lives. We can begin, with Job, to bless God in the midst of pleasant times and in the midst of adversity. We can trust God’s goodness all the time.

Read 1 Thessalonians 5:6-11

What does it mean to ”belong to the day”?

How have you wrestled with God’s sovereignty in the last two months?

When you consider the suffering of Job, and the suffering of Jesus, what does this teach you about God?

How could you grow in blessing the Lord this week?

Pray for each other to be encouraged and built up in the midst of adversity.