Generosity! Giving! Finances! In the church, money is sometimes a taboo topic, perhaps with some merit because surely there have been historical abuses. However, we studied together that the heart of God is gracious, giving to people who have nothing to offer and in fact are in debt!
In summary, the answer to the question “why give?” is the gospel: Jesus Christ gave to us and so we ought to give out of love in response, both to the LORD in worship and obedience and to bless one another.
Discussion questions:
What stuck with you from Sunday’s sermon?
Read 2 Corinthians 8.9
Try to name a handful of ways that Jesus exchanged wealth for poverty in his ministry on earth.
Next read 2 Corinthians 8.8
Are you inspired by the giving of Jesus to give also? Why does Paul draw attention to the point of the matter being love over a dutiful command?
Read John 3.16 Read it twice and slower the second time. It’s likely a familiar verse to you but truly anything but common!
Take time to transition in your gathering to worship in some capacity. We should be inspired by God’s love for us in Jesus! Be brave to allow the Holy Spirit to meet you in this good news. Let him put His finger on where He is asking you to walk with Him in generosity.