On Sunday Eric looked back into Romans 10 for guidance in the midst of the tension our country is experiencing. He pointed us to the non-discriminating heart of God. In light of God’s heart expressed in the gospel, we see that racism is a sin against God and God’s design for humanity. Racism is also a sin against the gospel because Christ came to create a new humanity from all nations. Because of this, we should care about perceived and actual racial divisions in our nation and our world. In light of this, as one of our pastors, Corey Jones, said, “In this time, we have to be Christians first. We need to embrace our identity in Christ first.” Christ is our hope for truth, justice, unity, and hope in the midst of a troubling time.
Read Romans 10:9-13
What was meaningful to you from Sunday’s sermon?
How is racism a sin against God and the gospel?
How are you wrestling, as a Christian, with all that is happening in our nation?
What opportunities do you personally have to represent God’s heart in your community this week?
Pray for each other to represent God’s heart in our culture.