Discussion Questions for Romans 8:26-30

March 10, 2020

Discussion Questions for Romans 8:26-30

March 10, 2020

In Romans 8, Paul offers us an anchor for our souls. He wants us to know that we are held fast, secure in the midst of many kinds of evil and suffering in this life. We find hope to endure suffering as the Holy Spirit intercedes for us. We also find hope as God works to make everything, good and evil, work out for our good. More than this, we can be sure God will finish what he started in our lives because of his powerful determination to make us like his Son in order to glorify his Son. This is a great hope that connects God’s original foreknowledge with our future glory, and everything in between.

Read Romans 8:26-30

What is one area you don’t know how to pray about right now?

Is there anything in 8:26-30 that causes you to wrestle more than rest, internally?

How does God’s work in this passage revolve around his Son?

How does God’s work in your life revolve around his Son?

Pray for each other, asking the Holy Spirit to continue his work in your lives.